Panna Cotta is a really popular classical Italian dessert that can be made using a variety of different flavourings such as chocolate, coffee and caramel to name a few, but this vanilla version is my favourite. I like to serve it unmoulded with a raspberry coulis (sauce) or with grilled figs on the side. To make life even easier you can serve it in little ramekins with a pile of fresh fruit on top. You'll be surprised how simple this delicious, creamy dessert it is to make.
What you'll need:
2 cups cream
4 tblsp caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract/paste
2 tsp powdered gelatine
4 tsp hot water
250g frozen raspberries
1 tblsp caster sugar
2 tblsp boiling water
To make the Panna Cottas:
Bring the cream, sugar and vanilla slowly to the boil so the vanilla has time to infuse it's flavour. Pour the hot water into a cup and sprinkle the gelatine over the hot water stirring until the gelatine has completely dissolved. Remove the cream mixture from the heat and stir in the liquid gelatine. Pour mixture into 4 lightly oiled moulds (about 1/2 cup size) and allow to cool. Cover and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
To make the Raspberry Coulis:
Defrost the frozen raspberries and place in a blender/food processor. Pour the boiling water into a cup and add the sugar stirring until dissolved. Add the liquid to the blender and puree berries until smooth. Pass the mixture through a sieve to remove the seeds.
To serve, dip the moulds into a bowl of hot water for a few seconds then turn out onto plates. Pour the coulis around the base of the panna cottas.